Build a space mining colony, extract resources and set up a network of routes, machines and factories to automate production of better technology to grow your colony bigger.

Rated 4.2 out of 5 stars
(6 total ratings)
Made withUnity
TagsAutomation, colony, Management, mining, planet, Space

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How to play this?

Hello! Thanks for checking out my game. I wrote a small post earlier on how to get started. There are plans to add a tutorial.

Good game but, this game can be better if have a tutorial.


Thank you for your comment and feedback! There are plans on adding a tutorial :)


Tthe game runs so smoothly, much smoother than I would expect.

Thanks for the positive comment! :)

how do i connect the powerplant so it actually supplies power and do i use then

Hi! If a power plant is connected to the rest of the network with a route, it will supply power as long as it has fuel. 

i genuinly cant figure out how to start

Hello! You can click the resource patches on the ground to mine from them manually. After getting some coal, open your inventory and place the Drill you have there on a resource patch, click the Drill and insert coal into it by clicking the Coal icon in your inventory. Now the Drill should be mining. Next, place the Storehouse close to the Drill and while the "Build" button is still active, drag from the Drill to the Storehouse to create a Route from the Drill to the Storehouse. Let me know if you need more hints! Good luck :)

how the hell do i get iron slab

got it

Good job on figuring it out, it's not super clear :)

what do i use the rocket pod for?

Hello! The rocket pod isn't used for anything yet, it is the most advanced item that can be produced so far. I'm working on an update that will add more features and content!

oh ok thanks!!

Very good game overall, I love it and I'm addicted to it. But i have a few suggestions.

1.Make a tutorial at the beginning, It took me a while to figure out what to do.

2.Show what each building does,I've made so many buildings at the begging and i had no clue what they did.

3.Give a difficulty option. What i mean is resources are very spread out on hard mode or something,Or you have to make everything in the begging.

Overall its a very good game,Cant wait to see where you take it. :)

Deleted 25 days ago

Thank you for the feedback!


Overall, a sound game. I am eager to see where this goes... Like what is planned for the rocket pods, etc.

Only things I disliked:

1) Figuring out the game initially--How to do things (even the basics of putting down a drill then routing it to storage took me awhile); What equipment does what (some info on what each good/equipment does or is for); what resource patches are what. (I cannot tell the difference as I'm partially colour blind--A text when hovering over a patch would be nice!)

2) It's too easy to over-produce one thing while not producing another. (My suggestion is to "round robin" inputs and outputs so that all inputs and outputs get "serviced" equally.)

3) It's very hard to tell what each building is; So many look alike. An icon of some sort would be helpful (maybe even show what is being produced for those which can select more than one.)

That's only 3 out of dozens of things I did like very much, however.

Minor suggestions:

1) Give buildings an on/off power switch. While they do stop automatically in most cases, sometimes I want to drain some routes of queued up goods--especially when I want to avoid a long chain that might exceed my 999 inventory limit. It has happened to me several times.

2) If a building cannot do anything with an item, forward it to it's output. Iron and Copper look almost the same to me, so there have been times a misrouted item locks up production for no immediately apparent reason.

Thank you for the feedback! Much appreciated! I will merge your suggestions into the backlog, some of your issues are already there and being worked on :)

For the time being, if you're unsure about the resource patches they can be clicked to show what they are.

(1 edit)

that a good game maybe give a boost at the start to make it faster like giving several drill :)

Thanks! And thank you for the feedback!

I like the limited starting equipment--It makes it a fun challenge to overcome and get your economy started. Perhaps do prestige resets like so many idle games, where you can get a few extra starting resources to build other equipment.

Nice game, like it, bit too short for now though.

Rocked Pod is the last one, right?

Hey, thanks! Yes, that is the final tech, for now! More stuff is coming :)


This is absolutely addicting to play! I had to really pull myself away from the keyboard to stop playing! I really love how every building is pretty minimal in design.

The only thing I would suggest is to have some kind of tooltip or some kind of description somewhere as to what each building does, and what each color means in the inventory. I was able to figure most of it out in the end but It'd be nice if I didn't have to. UNLESS of course that's what your going for.

Loved it, will be back to play more!!


Thank you for the kind words! I hope to improve all the things you mention, and more.